

April 1, 2023

Smart Identity Relationship Management

Identity- and Access Management (IAM) Systems are part of IT Strategy in midsize and large businesses for many years now. While features of these systems previously focus on employees and partners, the ,Internet of Things‘, the new EU General Data Protection Regulation and digitization challenges in a new additional way: Disruption even here!

Modern IAM systems must encounter these challenges with innovative concepts. Additionally to the administration of Identities, there is a new requirement to manage all those elements and ,Things‘ that might have a relation to the managed person.

YIAMSuite® is among the first available systems on market, which meet the requirements by consistent use of ,Entity Relationship‘ models.


Entity Relationship Management

In an Entity Relationship Management (ERM) system, all ,Entities‘ (or ,Things‘) and their relations with each other are managed transparently. Entities at this point can be as diverse as the reality: users, departments, organizations, processes, mobile phones, cars, and whatever else may play a role.

ERM systems draw their strength from the ability of deriving processes and calculations by analyzing their relations to other entities and to represent these processes transparently.

Using Entity-Relations, you can therefore enable processes directly on departments, ownership definitions, or positions. An explicit and additional role assignment, as required in classical IDM solutions, can be omitted.

Smart Management

Entity Relationship Management opens the doors to the world of Semantics: Business rules can be formulated directly from native language and are available in machine-readable code from the ERM system without extensive translation.

YIAMSuite® can be used as an extension of your existing Identity Management system to cover missing functions and new demands; as a standalone ERM system, YIAMSuite® allows you to efficiently prepare your existing processes for future challenges.

Re-Organizations lose their threatening character

Through consistent focus on relations, disruptive challenges and technologies become manageable: organizational changes and adjustments, as required with mergers and acquisitions, can be realized in a few days instead of weeks and months with YIAMSuite®.


he extensive reporting functions and the ,shop-style‘ workflow processing offer high level of transparency on the provided functions and their effects.


Rapid Return on Investment

YIAMSuite® provides semantic functions and relational management structures. In combination with the already known features provided by YIAMConnect® und YIAMKiosk®, the following benefits with rapid returns on investments are offered:

  • No manual data transfer during the transmission of data from HR systems, Excel spreadsheets and other sources.
  • High data quality using process templates and eliminating uncontrolled processes.
  • Transparency and accountability of rights and role assignments (who did what when?).
  • Delegating standardized tasks to the specialized departments.
  • Privacy by Design by extensive authorization structures.
  • Self-Service functions for employees, customers and partners.
  • Extensive reporting capabilities including bulk operations.

Product Family

IAMSuite® is part of the YIAM® product family, which reflects our more than 20 years of experience in management of digital identities, authentication and authorization.

Align your identity and access management strategy and processes for the challenges ahead, and benefit from new and fascinating opportunities for your growth with YIAMSuite®.

For more information about the YIAM® product family, package deals and upgrade opportunities contact us using one of our channels.

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